Saturday, November 2, 2013

Bynes Transcript and Typing Services is Accepting Applications forTranscribers

Hello everyone! I hope everyone is having a good day. We'll be making your good day even better with our good news! We are accepting applications for transcribers!

If you're someone who is looking to earn extra income and have experience in transcribing, we are looking for you. If you know someone who's looking for work and fit our criteria, give them our contact information.

As a company, we want to make sure that we have acquired the right kind of people. Hence, we require applicants to take a test to see if you are a good fit for the job. Newbies don't need to worry about this. If you can pass the test and you've done some practicing yourself, then you may just land a job here at Bynes Transcript & Typing Services. Applicants are required to have an odesk account. So feel free and don't hesitate to send us your applications at and we'll make sure that the process will be seamless and smooth.

P.s. join us in our new collaborative site, Yammer. Ask for an invite. 

1 comment:

  1. Well, I think it's a great news for the people who are looking for some good typing job in a good company. So, if you have good typing skills and and have relevant qualifications and experience then you must apply for the job and give your best hopefully you will get this job. All the best!!
